Image Vectorizer
Download on the Mac App StoreConvert bitmaps to vector graphics at the touch of a button
How many times have you needed a vector graphic version of a logo or icon for a design you’ve been working on?
Image Vectorizer is here to make the process as fast and painless as possible!
Simply drag an image in to the app and click to convert. Image Vectorizer creates beautiful black-and-white vector images. You can then copy the vector graphic to the clipboard or export it in a variety of different formats to use with your favorite vector drawing app.
I could not live without Image Vectorizer. Great little tool. Use it all the time.
— Kevin Smith (@kevatron) June 17, 2015
Client sent me their logo as a JPEG to overlay on some photos I shot. Luckily, #ImageVectorizer was there. Worked really fast!
— Chris Manning (@chrismanning) May 22, 2015
Very cool tool for graphic designers. Image Vectorizer
— Verdi (@VerdicalDesign) May 6, 2015
Image Vectorizer - bitmap to vector conversion via @duncanmid
Finally! For all those times I had to re-do a logo...
— Nathalie Lawhead (@alienmelon) January 15, 2014 Image Vectorizer by @duncanmid is a really powerful little app!
— Joe Zobkiw (@zobskewed) January 14, 2014
Magic tool - Image Vectorizer
— placebokid (@placebokid) January 14, 2014
Finally a reasonably priced bitmap to vector app at $5.49, converts my toons nicely - #converter #vector
— Lee Sheppard (@leesheppard) January 16, 2014
Great little app, and a perfect companion for @sketchapp: (by @duncanmid)
— Marc Oliver Orth (@marc2o) January 14, 2014
This app is awesome!!! Easily turn images into Vectors.
— !frank (@iFrankZA) January 14, 2014
Image Vectorizer works best for black-and-white line art, such as pencil drawings, outlines, logos, and blueprints. Photos can be converted using one of the built-in halftoning effects. Color vectorization is not supported, but you can select custom foreground and background colors, or color the vectorized image in a vector drawing application.
✪ Vector file formats:
Image Vectorizer outputs in a variety of different formats for maximum usability.
- EPS - works great with apps like
Sketch, iDraw or Illustrator - PDF - ideal for scanned documents
- SVG - perfect for web-based projects
- DXF - for use with CAD packages
✪ Bitmap effects include:
- flip
- rotate
- brightness
- saturation
- gamma
- invert
- sharpness
- blur
- median
- outline
- halftone: dots, lines or hatched
(great for use on photos)
✪ Vectorization settings include:
- corner threshold
- curve optimization
- suppress speckles
(useful for tidying up images) - rotation
- color controls
- output size